Nå har jeg laget ny tegning for kroppspleiebutikken Skrubberiet. Det er ei stor tavle utenfor butikken på Trondheim Torg. Hver sesong lager jeg et nytt motiv. Det er alltid den samme jenta jeg tegner. Man må overse at svanene svømmer oppå isen... ^- ^
Every season I decorate a blackboard outside a shop called Skrubberiet. They sell different kinds of soaps and lotions and wonderful things for the body. I always draw this girl doing different things. Now she is ice skating, as you can see... Don't notice the swans swimming in ice..... or what the heck, anything is possible if you have imagination ^-^
2 kommentarer:
Stilig par på Trønderhunter!: http://tronderhunter.blogspot.com/2009/11/og-maiken-trondheim-torg.html
he he, ja, takk for det! :)
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