onsdag 28. mars 2012


Just love my jewelry... Always loved these pieces of precious metal and stones...

Silver cuff with teardrop shaped quartz crystals and silver cuff shaped as a feather.

Silver ring from Bjørg with a double terminated quartz crystal.

Silver necklace with stones.

Silver pendants with stones.

And a couple of selfmade ribbon bracelets, they are actually neon pink! Need some color!

tirsdag 27. mars 2012

⟝ஃ⟞ Playing in the woods ⟝ஃ⟞

So looking forward to going to the cabin for easter... To enjoy the serenity and quietness of nature... Doing yoga followed by meditation in the morning... Cooking a lovely breakfast... Drinking coffee... Reading books and magazines... Going for walks... Drawing, photographing, dancing.......Drinking wine....Talking...Sleeping....Cuddling....Kissing.... Ahhh, soon now!

torsdag 22. mars 2012

⟣⟣❩♐Ⴃ⟣sisters of eternity⟢Ⴃ♐❨⟢⟢

My sister, my star, my mirror... I love you to eternity and back...

onsdag 21. mars 2012

ᐝᐝᐝ☉ The time is now! ☉ᐝᐝᐝ

Time goes by so fast these days that it's hard to hold on! Seeing my sons grow into two wonderful men. I'm trying to enjoy the moment instead of wallowing in sadness because they are not kids anymore. Kids actually eventually do grow up...! It's true! Wow, guess I thought they were always gonna be my babies... (In a way they always will be :)) Still I must say, it's so fascinating to see what kind of people they are becoming. I'm pretty satisfied of the job we've done so far. They are great young men! 

Still playing around with kaleidoscopic images...fun! Falk in the middle of this one, a few years ago.

ᚕᚖᚕ Glimpses of nature in my home ᚕᚖᚕ

Milo Dakota sitting in the windowsill, dreaming about a big bird feast....

My embroidery...picturing nature...

tirsdag 20. mars 2012


Playing with Photoshop tonight, creating kaleidoscope effects... Fascinating!

⑀⑄⑃⑂⑃⑅ Jewelry love ⑅⑃⑂⑃⑄⑀

I'm a sucker for jewelry... It needs to mean something to me though, like all of these pieces.

Silver bracelet with quartz crystal drops; a gift from my sister, my silver feather cuff, and a friendship bracelet, love the colors.

A silver claw ring with quartz crystal, from Bjørg. 

This crazy necklace I bought in the early nineties at a market. With quartz crystals, and other gemstones.

Silver handcrafted face with an onyx plate and amethyst. Pyramide necklace from Bjørg, with a quartz crystal inside.

༺ Cupcake heaven ༻

Visited a new café today called Fairytale cupcakes. A sweet and sugary place with a nice atmosphere. I ate the raspberry/chocolate cupcake and it was perfectly sweetened, yummy...

Pink delights...

We came early and had the whole place to ourselves for a little while.

My sweet friend Aina!

søndag 18. mars 2012


A small selection of some of my precious crystals and stones, gathered over many, many years... All the colors of the rainbow...

ᕯᕱᕯ The light that shines on me ᕯᕱᕯ

Comes from the most wonderful person in the world. 

ஃ༅ A Sunday walk ༅ஃ

Throwing stones...

At Rotvoll. Beautiful spring day! Still very cold though. Now it started blowing and snowing outside...
Guess we have to wait another month for spring to really be here!

torsdag 8. mars 2012

In the mood ☼☼☼

Went for a walk today, had to enjoy the SUNSHINE! Really felt like spring, just looking for the coltsfoot (hestehov) to appear in some sunny spot. Didn't see any on my trip, but I heard so many busy birds, even recorded their singing on my iphone. Oh yes, I'm in the spring mood!

⫷⫸ Ray of sun ⫷⫸

The sun is shining today, and I'm so grateful each time... Yesterday it was snowing and raining, but that's how it is this time of year. Spring is emerging!

Brought out some of my crystals again to bathe in the sunlight. Haven't been occupied much with them lately, but now feels like a good time to spend a little time with them. They are simply beautiful!

*Stability and balance* 

*carrying my own treasure*

*creating rainbows*

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Working today

Looking for hints of color everywhere. Post-it notes will do fine!

Braided my hair today.

Some of my everyday jewelry. My silver feather bracelet, love it. A friendship bracelet, love the color combination. And my magnetic bracelet, with amber, quartz crystal, howlite and aquamarine made by me :)

tirsdag 6. mars 2012

◬◬◬Wonderful day ◬◬◬


Annas Cafe located at Bakklandet, nice and cosy atmosphere.

Siss and darling baby Marlon Wolf.

Yummy, chalk tastes interesting.

Hauk is a master at drawing on walls, and here he was actually encouraged to do so!

Nice walk while the boys are taking a nap.

Spent part of the day with my favorite person (my sister) and my beloved nephews. We tried out a new eco cafe in town, and went for a nice walk along the Nidelv river. It was quite cold, but at least the sun was shining. And so much love... I am truly blessed.

Bringing colour into my life ☉☉☀☉☉

After a very long and dark winter coloured in dark hues, it's time for some colour! So here are some glimpses of colour that surrounds me nowadays.

We are painting one of the walls in the livingroom and decided to NOT choose white, beige or grey! My sis suggested bright yellow, but it seems that noone can make that colour because they stopped making the needed base colour.. So now I'm into the petrol greenish blue... The macron color is NOT for the wall, but maybe a pillow or something. (Can't be too wild)

Yesterday I had acupuncture and on the floor by the entrance I spotted a beautiful and bright rainbow. Made me smile! Look at those vibrant colours!

I also try to include colour in my cooking. This fruit is indeed filled with the strongest colour! When cutting this one, the juice splashed everywhere and the stains on the wall were almost impossible to remove.

Why am I writing in english now? To improve my english, to do something else, to trick international readers to actually read my blog, because I want to, just because. But tomorrow I might change my mind.